School Bulletin

Lecture Series No.31 of SFL, NWU
Created Time:2024-03-25     Hit:

The Field of “Pre-Language” in “The Essence of Modern Fiction”

--Taking “Second Nightof Natsume Souseki’s  Ten Dreamy Nights as an Example

Speaker: Associate Professor Zhou Fei

Host: Associate Professor Zhang Ziru

Zhou Fei is an Associate Professor at the Tsuru University in Japan. His research focuses on modern and contemporary Japanese literature, as well as comparative studies between Chinese and Japanese modern and contemporary literature. His recent publications include Narrative Construction in Modern Fiction: A Reading of Taiwan Short Story Writer Ke Yufen’s ‘Refrigerator’” (2023), “The Depth of Lu Xun's ‘Hometown’” (2022), “The Domain of ‘Pre-Language’ in Modern Novel Essence of the Gods: with Eastern Philosophy ,“Third Proposition” Theory, Natsume Souseki's ‘Ten Nights of Dreams’ and ‘Second Night’ as Examples” (2022), and “Critique on the Research History of  ‘Takase Boat’ : Towards Understanding the Essence of ‘Modern Fiction’”(2021).


Lecture Date: Thursday, March 28, 2024, at 16:00

Lecture Venue: Lecture Hall 2, School of Foreign Languages, Northwest University