School Bulletin

Some Comrades Invited to Attend the Discussion with Our Teachers
Created Time:2011-11-24     Hit:

     On November the 23rd, Vice Director of Personnel Department Sun Lujian, the Chief of Faculty Section Zhang Xian, the Chief of Teaching Administrative Department of Graduate School Yang Tao, the Secretary of Social Sciences Department Chen Lijuan and Ni Xiaoyong from dean’s office etc. invited by the school attended the informal discussion with teachers from our school about the temporary approaches to evaluation of teachers’ professional titles.

  Sun Lujian, the Vice Director of Personnel Department, gave an overall guidance to the approaches to evaluation of professional titles. Others gave answers to the questions put forward by teachers, and discussed relevant works deeply with teachers.

  The meeting was hosted by dean of our school, Professor Cui Yaping. Party and government leaders and teachers below secondary senior position attended this meeting.