School News

Professor Chen Xiangming from Trinity College, U.S. and his delegation visited our school for academic exchange
Created Time:2024-05-31     Hit:

On the afternoon of May 29, 2024, Professor Chen Xiangming, Distinguished Professor at the School of Social Development and Public Policy at Fudan University in Shanghai, Founding Director of the Center for Urban and Global Studies, and Distinguished Professor of Paul E. Raether Sociology and International Studies at Trinity College in U.S, visited our school, along with Associate Researcher Li Ziming from Economics and Management School of Wuhan University, Assistant Professor Zhao Yiqing from the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Xi’an Jiaotong University, and Associate Professor Zhang Kun from the School of Cultural Heritage at Northwest University. They conducted an academic discussion with our faculty. The meeting was hosted by Professor Cao Ruonan, Dean of the School of Foreign Languages at Northwest University, and attended by relevant faculty members from the team of Area Studies of the School of Foreign Languages.

At the discussion, Dean Cao warmly welcomed Professor Chen and his delegation, and provided a brief introduction to the development history, educational situation and specialized features of the school. Other faculty members presented the progress of our research on regions and countries such as the Middle East, Russia, and Japan.

Professor Chen first elaborated on the progress of global urban studies in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative and the importance of regional integration in political, economic, and cultural aspects. He suggested that our school could more actively engage in interdisciplinary research and think tank development. Associate Researcher Li Ziming discussed topics such as conducting effective local research in a globalized context and defining the “Global South”. Assistant Professor Zhao and Associate Professor Zhang shared their experiences studying in Italy and discussed topics like transnational urbanization research and cultural heritage protection. Subsequently, our faculty engaged in in-depth discussions with Professor Chen and his delegation, focusing on their respective research and teaching areas. Associate Professor Zhang Ziruo discussed the integration of Muslim communities in Japan, Associate Professor Yang Qian addressed issues related to Saudi studies, and Professors Mei Zilin and Cai Hongyan explored the prospects of Sino-Russian cultural exchanges and regional development. Additionally, Professor Liu Hui talked about the promotion of terminology dictionaries, and Professor Ai Xiaoying discussed the construction of new urban areas in Egypt. The discussions were lively, and both sides expressed a strong hope for more collaborative opportunities in the future.

Host: Professor/Dean Cao Ruonan

Speaker: Professor Chen Xiangming


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