School News

2023 Teaching and Research Post Hiring Meeting was held
Created Time:2023-04-24     Hit:

On April 20, 2023, at 2:00 p.m., the 2023 Teaching and Research Post Hiring Meeting of School of Foreign Languages was held in the school’s conference room. The meeting was chaired by Yang Ying, Deputy Dean of Administration, and attended by Wang Jun, Secretary of the Party Committee, Dean Cao Ruonan, Li Mi,  Deputy Dean of Teaching, Su Rui, Deputy Dean of Research, Li Tie, Director of the English Department, and Xu Na, Dean’s Assistant.

During the meeting, three candidates who met the hiring requirements were interviewed online via the Tencent Meeting platform. Following the interview process, each candidate briefly introduced themselves and their teaching and research achievements, conducted a themed teaching demonstration, and participated in a question-and-answer session. Subsequently, the hiring results will be determined based on the relevant policies of the university and the school. The aim of this meeting is to recruit high-level talents and outstanding young talents to further strengthen the faculty team of our school.


Photo: Zhang Heng

Text: Xu Na